You sell JetSwap credits

You sell JetSwap credits Fill the order form for sale JetSwap credits please. All fields are required. Be careful when entering Your data! Erroneous transfers and payments cannot be undone! Specify Your valid E-Mail address, it will receive information on the status of transfers and payments.

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Reserves and Prices

We can buy from You:

0 cr. for 0.025 WMT WMT

0 cr. for 0.031 WMZ WMZ

4 000 cr. for 0.025 PAYEER USD PAYEER USD

11 451 cr. for 2.095 PAYEER RUB PAYEER RUB

27 670 cr. for 2.095 FKWALLET.IO RUB FKWALLET.IO RUB

27 226 cr. for 2.026 SBP RUB SBP RUB

Price for 1 000 credits

Minimal amount for sale:
1 000 credits

If sum of money less than
the payment system fee is paid out from the sum You received (it is already accounted for in the amount of payment - You will receive as much money as you can see on the screen).

Here you can find information as to the passport for our WM-identifier

WMID: 118762006821
BL: WMID Business Level [BL]

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